Dat Music !!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Just Like This(4,2,3,1)

     "Ground control to Major Tom, take your protein pills and put your helmet on." 
     This article will be dedicated to one of the most important topics in the life of post-adolescent human beings (Little spoiler, the topic I am going to talk about starts with “S”). You might wonder, why did I decided to write an article about such a serious theme, but since the main reason of existence of this blog is to tell you more about what is our mission in BiH (#NoClueWhatIsTrueReasonOfExistenceOfThisBlog), here we go. 

     The topic about “S-word”. First it might be really appropriate to ask all underage readers to close this page, but then I would also have to apologize to them and explain them, why it was not eligible to read and stuff like that. So I will trust your resourcefulness and let you read this, for it might help you in your further development. Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Sex, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff!

     Ta ta ta tááá, tááá, ta ta ta tááá, tááá ta ta ta táááá, tááá ta ta ta táááá……..

     To those of you, who were able to guess from the sequence of “ta tááá tááá’s” that this article will be about Star Wars: congratulations! For the rest of you people… just kidding. It was so obvious, that I am 100% sure, that everybody knew it. Recently I have been reading a lot of reviews to The Force Awakens, full of hatred, discrimination, insults; and therefor I decided to watch this jewel of cinematography and provide you with a review, not directly connected with SW:TFA, but as useful as a rest of reviews to this movie.

     The premise of the movie I am going to talk about is really simple: After a trip to Washington D.C. to get a medal from president for bravery during the last disastrous “nado”, the Sharknado strikes again and destroys the capital. Fin (Ian Ziering) head to Orlando, not realizing that one of the Sharknados is following him, while other is destroying Orlando already. It is now his task, to stop two Sharknados before they combine into a Sharkicane, which could destroy whole East Coast.
Only way for Fin, how to do that is of course to reunion with his father (David Hasselhoff), former astronaut and with his help fly to space orbit of Earth and use a huge laser to change the temperature of Sharknado to destroy it. Best part of the movie is of course a part after decreasing the temperature and exterminating “nados”. The sharks in space! 

Is that a Palpatine?

     Somehow the gravity did not work as usual so the sharks flew into space and attacked the spaceship. Fin uses his lightsaberchainsaw, kill most of the sharks, but in the end one of them swallows his pregnant wife April (Tara Reid) and turns on the gravity. Fin, full of hatred jumps into another shark’s mouth, set off the hole into sharks back and uses his parachute to safety land.

Vzzzzm Vzzzzm, You were chosen one!

Is it a starkiller base?

      Suddenly the sound of chainsaw from the distance interrupt his searching for April and whole audience is fascinated with the image of April’s chainsaw-hand cutting shark from inside and passing their newborn son to Fin. Whole family comes to beach of landing, celebrate and wave at the moon. David Hasselhoff waves back from moon and salutes. Happy ending? No! The huge piece of starship falls right over April and….cut… To be continued?

Luke, I am your Father

     I hope this review of Sharknado 3 helped you to understand what some of the Force Awakens reviews are really about and how are they connected with The Force Awakens. I know it was just a metaphorical so for those of you, who expected something serious, here is the compensation: LINK

P.S. Now I figured out, that S word could be also Socialism. That would make even better sense. Except the title. Did you know, that those numbers written after "Just Like This" are the correct order of letters in a word "This" but due to censure I can not even mention the word SHIT. 

David Hasselhoff on moon