Dat Music !!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Can you imagine living without one cent?

     Within my next article, I would like to talk about the crowdfunding campaign, we launched yesterday and the problems connected with it. As many of you knows, we are currently in Mostar as volunteers and we are trying to improve the local community in many ways. As I mentioned in one article before, we are preparing a lot of projects and activities, aimed to sharing knowledge, educating people of all ages (mostly youths) and helping people to find new values in their lives.

     Yesterday as we started our campaign, we were full of expectations, hope and of course we were looking forward to see, how many people want to spread their good will by contributing to our project. Campaign has been launched and we were sharing it really annoyingly and waiting to see, how many good people it address. After 6 hours of waiting, the amount was still 0. How is this possible? Little suspicions sneaked into my mind, while I was watching mindlessly to the screen incomprehensively. Questions like: “Is the campaign a good idea?”, “Are people really not willing to help?” bothered my mind.

     Then I received the message saying, that it is impossible to contribute. I was trying to solve this problem for two hours, addressing myself with a lot of rude words, while looking for solutions. Finally the first contribution arrived! So the mistake wasn’t in the kindliness of people, but in some technical bullshit. First have been followed by second… and that was it. 18 hours after launch, we have only 15 euros there; our project seems to be in deadlock. So I am addressing this article to you, my fellow readers. If you can imagine, living without like 5 euros for the rest of your life (if you will live for 50 years, it is basically less than 1 cent per month), or if you want to see the happy children, holding book and smiling, while maybe being in magical Hogwarts, desolate Mordor or accompanying Alice through the Wonderland, contribute and help us make this idea come true.  

Here is the link for campaign: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/813lD5/ab/65GNs8 have a nice day :) 

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