Dat Music !!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Just food

       My next article will be basically instruction, how to survive as a volunteer, with limited budget and time to prepare a proper food. Maybe some other volunteers are surviving in different ways (eating in 5 stars restaurants and drinking Masseto Toscana every day), but for this is article about my survival skill, I will write about potatoes and pasta. Some time ago, I figured out, that my daily budget is little less than 10KM and since I am drinking at least 3 coffees in local coffee shops per day, smoking one pack of cigarettes a day, spending money for useless craps and spending most of my money in first five days I get them, by budget is actually little less than 3KM a day. 
       So how to deal with situation like this? Is that even possible? Answer is really simple. Potatoes! You can buy one kilogram for 0,5KM, if you are lucky (you might also steal it, if you are fast and brave enough, but in that case, why would you steal potatoes and not let’s say half of slaughtered cow? (Left side of course)). There is a lot of ways, to prepare dish by using potatoes, but for we are volunteers with limited time, the best way is to fry it on oil. As you know, oil is reaaallly expansive so I’ll give you now 3 good advices: Recycle, recycle and recycle. Don’t throw used oil away. Keep it on pan and next day, you can use it again… and again… and again… (Of course, one day you will have to get rid of it, but don’t forget, that the little piece of oil helped you to survive for more than one week, so say at least “thank you dear oil” before you pour it to sink). 
       While cutting potatoes, don’t forget to cut them into really small pieces. They will fry faster and cool down faster, so you will save at least 47 seconds, which you can spend to feed some homeless people on street or whatever. After frying potatoes, there is a question, what kind of taste would be the best? And because simple is most of the time best, answer is: “SALT!” Are you asking: “Only salt?” and my answer is: “YES!!!” Are you asking…ok enough. Yes, salt is the best, according to my knowledge, gained through the hundreds of hours spent to prepare potato-dishes. If you are bit richer, you can also add pepper, ketchup, meat and whatsoever, but that is extra money, and money is time and we don’t have time. You know? So Peter, with great power comes great responsibility.          
       About pasta, I recently found a simple recipe, how to prepare cheap pasta (thank you Luka), so here we go: Boil water, add pasta, cook pasta, add oil, add vegetables in form of vegeta, and let it cool down, bon appetite. And don't forget SALT!
       I really hope, this article have been useful and will at least to one person help to survive. If you don’t believe I am alive, here is a photo (Yeah, I’ve been lying, I am rich bastard and I am eating kilograms of sweets every day!). M out!


  1. Seems really funny :D what is your evs about? i think that you are slovak? i am doing an evs in slovakia :)

    1. where in SLovakia ? :) and we are volunteering in NGO Youth Power, so preparation of workshops, activities and projects is our main task :) but for example for me it is mostly meeting new people and trying to find some new "sources of cooperation" for our NGO ;) so I am not really spending time in apartment and when I do, I mostly don't have ingredients to cook something proper :P
